Adress & contact
Drs. F Bijlweg 69A
1784 MC Den Helder
Postbus 256
1780 AG Den Helder
KvK Alkmaar: 37134085 0000
Phone: +31 (0)223 – 660660
Email: [email protected]
Legislative Audit Readiness
Compliance is your license to operate, no doubt about that. But are you ready for mandatory audits at any given moment? Can you prevent fails and costly counter measures to solve them? Legislative Audit Readiness is all about implementing a solid foundation and effective execution to achieve demonstrable compliance to the applicable legislation, anytime.
By implementing an ongoing optimization cycle, your equipment and installations, work methods and environmental aspects are compliant at any given moment, not just when audited. This saves contingency costs as well as valuable time.
CMMS – Legislative Assurance Tasks
Based on our expertise in the field of inspection, regulation rules and application of possible techniques, we know exactly where, when and how often measurement and inspection should take place. This is how we help you to clearly identify legislative assurance tasks and make them readily available in your CMMS.
CMMS – Defined Responsibilities
Besides clearly identified tasks, you also need to make sure to capture well defined responsibilities in your CMMS. In this way there is no discussion about who’s responsible for what. And at what moment the responsibility exceeds the scope, in order to escalate properly.
CMMS – Auditable Track
Traceability is key for demonstrable compliance. Therefore, we establish an auditable track that includes findings and follow-up in the CMMS. This doesn’t only serve as a building block for compliance, but also as a log on how to stay on track in optimizing people, process and systems.